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Library Publishes Student-Focused Newsletter:  The Club Woodi Chronicle!

The Club Woodi Chronicle made its official debut on July 15, 2024. The Club Woodi Chronicle is news tailored to engage one of our most dominant stakeholder groups, our Atlanta University Center (AUC) students! The name of the publication was inspired by the beloved nickname of the AUC Woodruff Library, “Club Woodi”.  It will be published monthly by Donavann Rimpsey, Student Outreach Coordinator ([email protected]).

Click here to read full edition.

See also view the Club Woodi Chronicle Introductory News Reel:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9dDSytvaTT/?igsh=NWp6ZXJ2ZGhwZHhl

About the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

Established in 1982, the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library, Inc.  partners with the nation’s largest consortium of historically black colleges and universities:  Clark Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College and Spelman College, providing information management, instruction and access to a variety of global information resources acquired and organized in support of teaching and learning, scholarship and cultural preservation of the Atlanta University Center and African American history.

The Library’s premier Archives Research Center provides collaborative leadership in preservation, access and collection development of unique archival resources documenting African American history and culture and is noted for its holdings of materials on the African American experience. In July 2022, the AUC Woodruff Library became the 127th member of the Association of Research Libraries, becoming the second HBCU in its history to achieve this distinction. For more information, visit www.auctr.edu

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