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Your Connection to Library Services and Resources

Remote Teaching, Learning and Research Support

You can connect with us online for many of the same resources and services you previously accessed in both the physical and virtual settings. Please check this page often for updates and information about Library services. Also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Following are resources to ensure continuous access to Library services in the online environment.

AUC Faculty Virtual Services:  https://research.auctr.edu/auc-faculty-virtual-services

AUC Graduate Student Virtual Services:  https://research.auctr.edu/auc-gradstudent-virtual-services

AUC Undergraduate Student Virtual Services:  https://research.auctr.edu/auc-student-virtual-services

AUC registered students, faculty and staff can access many of the Library’s electronic resources 24/7 with a remote access account.  Users will need to log in using their campus-issued username and password.  For assistance with trouble logging in to your campus account, contact your campus service desk.

Spring Interim Period 2022

  • Monday – Thursday:  9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday-Sunday:  CLOSED

Virtual Reference and Research for Individuals or Small Groups

Request virtual reference or research support for individuals or small group clusters using the following online platforms:

– [email protected]

– LibChat (send instant message to AskWoodruff (AIM, Google, Yahoo, MSN)

– SMS: 1-404-566-8210

– Research and Reference Links

– Archives Research Center

– Subject Specialists

You may also call the Library’s Information Services Desk at (404) 978-2067.

e-Resources (Selected):

–  AUC Woodruff Library Archives Research Center Finding Aids

– e-journals

– Databases

– Digital Collections

– eBooks

– Interlibrary Loan

– Kanopy Streaming Video

–  RADAR: Repository of AUC Digital collections, Archives, and Research

– Research Guides 

          – COVID Research Guide, includes Interactive COVID-19 Situation Map

What’s New!

Documenting the AUC Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Collection was recently added to the AUC Woodruff Library’s repository of digital resources(https://radar.auctr.edu/islandora/object/auc.195%3A99990).  It is a collection of digital photographs, personal reflections, essays and audio/video stories created in response to the pandemic, representing changes to campus life and the experiences of the AUC Community. To submit your story, follow the link and submit your content: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7C25SKL.

5 collections were added to RADAR: Repository of AUC Digital collections, Archives, and Research:

– Maroon Tiger: Morehouse College’s weekly student-run newspaper

– The CAU Panther: first official student newspaper of Clark College

– Maurice Pennington Political Cartoon Collection

– The Wolverine Observer (Originally called Tattler)

– Virginia Lacy Jones Paper

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