Our Story: Photographs and Publications of the Atlanta University Center

Our Story is a two and a half-year, collaborative grant funded project between the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library, Spelman College Archives, and the Digital Library of Georgia (DLG).  Through digital reformatting and a portal of publicly accessible collections on the AUC Woodruff Library’s Digital Commons and the DLG, this project will broaden access to unique publications, periodicals, theses, dissertations and photographs documenting the history of the AUC – the largest consortium of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Once completed, archives related to the following schools will be more easily discoverable throughout the world for scholarship about various aspects of African American higher education directly after emancipation of slavery through to the 21st Century:  Atlanta University, Clark College, Clark Atlanta University, Gammon Theological Seminary, Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College, Morris Brown College, and Spelman College.

Select from the schools on the right to view available research and scholarship.


November 15th, 2018 Revealing Hidden Collections: The Our Story Digitization Project at the Atlanta University Center – View Recording

February 5th, 2019 Revealing Hidden Collections: The Our Story Digitization Project at the Atlanta University Center – Part Two – The Mechanics – View Recording

The Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library acknowledges the generous support of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) in support of the digitization of historic collections as part of the project: Our Story: Digitizing Publications and Photographs of the Historically Black Atlanta University Center Institutions.